GIVING | Oct 3, 2024

10 Questions to Ask Before You Give

Do you feel like your generosity has turned stale? You give, but the act seems robotic. You are just going through the motions. If you find yourself in a place where generosity is cold and detached, consider asking yourself these ten questions before the next time you give:

1. Do I know what God teaches about generosity?

Soak your mind and heart in Scripture. Spend some time in God’s Word, reading what He says about giving generously.

2. Have I sought out God in prayer about my generosity?

Seek out God’s guidance with your generosity. Prayerfully ask God what He desires you to give.

3. Have I considered what God has given me?

Spend time thinking about the good gifts God has given you, including His one and only Son.

4. Did I thank God for His generosity?

After considering the good gifts God have provided you, thank Him. Acknowledge that He is the source for all things in your possession.

5. Does this gift represent my first and best?

Proverbs 3:9 tells us that we are to give God our first fruits. For most of us, this represents our gross income.

6. Is this gift proportional to what God has given me?

Throughout Scripture, we see a pattern of proportionally or percentage-based giving. We give according to what God has given us.

7. Is this gift sacrificial or comfortable?

Gifts that were celebrated in Scripture were sacrificial, not comfortable. In God’s economy, amount sacrificed always supersedes amount given.

8. Have I talked and prayed with my spouse about this gift (if married)?

If you are married, giving should be a unified act of worship.

9. Have I talked to my children about our gift (if you have kids)?

If you have children, make sure they know generosity is a priority. Teach generosity with words and actions.

10. Did I ask God to use this in the way that brings Him the most glory?

As you give, ask God to multiply the gift in ways you could never imagine and make an impact for all eternity.

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You were meant for more. Your money was meant for more. You and your money are meant for an exciting, adventurous, and satisfying purpose. You were designed to live and give generously. And deep inside you know this and want this.

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