Answers To Tough Financial Questions With Howard Dayton
FaithFi | Jan 25, 2023
Show Notes
“For by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.” Proverbs 24:6. The Bible teaches that we should seek out wise counsel for answers to questions. Howard Dayton will give us his answers to tough financial questions … all based on God’s Word. This is Faith and Finance Live - biblical wisdom for your financial decisions. Howard Dayton is the author of Your Money Counts and the former host of this program. Rob and Howard cover these topics and questions:
We’ve got a list of questions that you’ve been asked over the years so let’s start with taxes. What’s God's perspective on paying taxes?
How does the Bible define financial success?
Is it permissible for a Christian to be ambitious?
Should wives work in a job outside the home?
Why do the wicked prosper?
FaithFi App
We’re continuing this month with our recommendation to download the FaithFi app in the new year. Not only can you manage money like other leading apps, but you will also get access to leading biblical financial resources and a community of like minded believers. No other finance app offers all these elements in one place specifically built for Christians. Go to and click App at the top of the screen to get started.
Calling Christian Financial Counselors and Coaches
Sign up for Crafting a Great Discovery Session (A 20-Minute Webinar for Christian Financial Counselors and Coaches) hosted by Dr. Art Rainer, Director of the Institute for Christian Financial Health and founder of Christian Money Solutions
If you wound up buying a time share when you went to Florida in August of last year, how can you get out of it?
If you're 64, living on a fixed income and you have about $5-7,000 of credit card debt you want to get paid, should you take out another loan to do so? Christian Credit Counselors
Will it hurt your credit score if you close a credit card you opened last year and didn't use?
If you're 60 and the HR people at work advised you to start a Roth that needed to be open for 5 years before you contributed to it, why did they ask you to do that?
If you're selling a farm privately that you were renting, what tasks regarding reporting taxes should you be aware of as you do this?
If you have a 403(b) and the balance went from $52,000 on the statement from the last quarter of 2022 to a balance of $39,000 in January 2023, should you continue your systematic contribution and what should you do to keep these losses at a minimum? Open an I-Bond
If you have money in brick-n-mortar right now but are considering changing that, what online banks are available for better earning for checking and savings., for best rates. High yield, online savings - Ally, Marcus and Capital One 360
If your husband passed away and you have his 401(k) rolled into an Inherited IRA now and Fidelity told you that you could not withdraw until funds from it until you're age 67, is this true?
If you're about to pay off a car loan leaving you with $800 per month extra which will leave you with a $125,000 balance on your mortgage as your only debt and you already have an emergency fund set up, should you start paying off your house early?
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