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Count Your Blessings

FaithFi: Faith & Finance | Feb 24, 2023


Show Notes

Psalm 94:19 is a great source of peace in troubled times. It reads, “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” Whenever you face uncertainties, financial or otherwise, God’s Word is filled with reminders that He’s always with you. A great way to overcome your fears is to count your blessings. Rob West does that today. This is Faith and Finance - biblical wisdom for your financial journey.

  • If your 401(k) is looking more like a 201k, you’re not alone. Or maybe you just pulled away from the gas pump, after spending a pretty penny filling your tank. Or you recently gasped at the total in the grocery store check-out line. Stocks fall and inflation happens.
  • So, in times like these, it’s good to stop a moment and focus on finding some peace in the middle of all the uncertainty.
  • When financial circumstances are knocking you down, what you need is something to hang on to – something that’s permanent, reliable, and true.
  • The best place to start is always God’s Word. In James 1:17 we read, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
  • Understanding this truth can help us navigate the stormy times. Let’s unpack it, and that starts with understanding that God is the source of every blessing, and He’s given you many.
  • You have the ability to openly worship and follow God. Our religious freedom in America is a rarity, not just in the world, but in all of history. It’s a blessing we take for granted because we’ve always had it in our lives, but we should include it in our prayers of praise and thank God for it.
  • Your freedom also extends to many areas of your life. You can choose where you live and how you earn a living. You can vote for who represents you in local, state and national elections. In many parts of the world, those blessings are unheard of. You have family and friends to share your joy and hardships with, and shelter, transportation, food on the table and clothes to wear.
  • When was the last time you thanked God for those things? Every true blessing flows from Him, even your health and every breath you take is a blessing from God.
  • Here’s another blessing you might take for granted. While almost everything in the world is subject to change, God is not. He’s fully worthy of your trust. You can count on Him whenever the world lets you down.
  • Economic forecasts, your bank account, and even your emotions can “change like shifting shadows”, but God isn’t like that. He is good, all the time. His character is fixed.
  • In Christ, we see God’s love for us in action. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”
  • By the power of the Holy Spirit, you can face every day with peace and confidence in God’s unchanging love, provision, and peace. Hebrews 13 confirms the character of God in verse 8: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
  • The scripture quoted earlier from James 1:17 follows with a description of all the trials we might face as we run the race of life.  Whether you’re just starting out or finishing the race, you can trust God’s goodness now and in the future. Your circumstances don’t change God’s character.
  • So, if the current economic climate scares you, try thinking about it with an eternal perspective.  All the financial resources are God’s anyway. He owns everything, including you, and He remains in control. Not a single atom in the universe moves without His command.
  • God has His part, and you have yours. You do your best with what you have, preparing the best you can, and trust the Lord to handle the rest.  Even when you feel powerless to change your circumstances, rest assured that God provides his Holy Spirit to protect and support you each day as you walk with Christ.
  • Whenever you feel yourself wavering, when fear begins to take hold in your thoughts, remember Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
  • You may not know what lies ahead, but God certainly does, and He doesn’t want you to waste time worrying about it. Instead, He wants you to always look to Him for your provision. How do you know that?
  • Jeremiah 29:11-12 reads, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”
Next, Rob answers these questions at 800-525-7000 or via email at askrob@FaithFi.com:

  • Should you refinance your mortgage to pay off about $80,000 in personal loans incurred while your wife was in school if you have $250,000 in home equity?
  • If an authorized user on your credit card keeps racking up charges, should you take advantage of an 18 months no-interest-offer on the account or close it?
  • How should you invest $400,000 currently sitting in a brick-and-mortar bank savings account earning low interest if your income needs are met through other sources?
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