GIVING | Oct 21, 2024

Embracing Gratitude: The Key to Generosity

“And you shall rejoice in all the good that the Lord your God has given to you and to your house...” - Deuteronomy 26:11

For years, I’ve worked with individuals, churches, and advisors with one key purpose in mind: to help people use their resources to further God’s Kingdom through generosity. One of the greatest joys I’ve experienced is witnessing those “Aha!” moments when others realize that generosity is born from gratitude—gratitude for the time, talents, and treasures God has given us.

Gratitude begins with recognizing that we are made in God's image. As His image bearers, we are hardwired with certain traits, and generosity is one of them. However, generosity becomes challenging when we aren’t grateful. First, we must be thankful for life itself, for our families and friends, and for the resources God has entrusted to us. Most importantly, we must be deeply grateful for the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, who gave His life so we could live with Him for eternity.

Practical Ways to Grow in Gratitude

There are many practical ways to nurture gratitude. Start by expressing it to God in prayer. A personal practice that helped me during tough times was keeping a gratitude journal. Every night, I wrote down three things I was thankful for. It wasn’t always easy, but it was a healing process that allowed me to see God’s blessings more clearly.

I found encouragement in 1 Thessalonians 5:18:

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

This verse helped me see that even in difficult times, gratitude can shift my perspective. When I recognize that everything I have comes from God, I can live open-handedly, trusting that He will provide.

Gratitude Fuels Generosity

Gratitude not only changes our perspective but also opens the door to generosity in ways beyond financial giving. For instance, when we’re thankful for our homes, we may feel more inclined to practice hospitality. When we appreciate the skills God has given us, we become more willing to use them to serve others. Gratitude helps us see that generosity encompasses much more than money.

As gratitude grows, so does humility. When we live with a grateful heart, we become more aware of the needs around us and are moved to help. Humility and gratitude go hand in hand, allowing us to put others’ needs before our own and live more generously.

Thanksgiving: An Opportunity for Gratitude and Generosity

With Thanksgiving around the corner, we have a perfect opportunity to focus on gratitude and express it through generosity. Here are some practical ways to make this Thanksgiving genuinely thankful:

  • Family Gratitude Discussions: Make a habit of having family discussions where everyone shares what they are thankful for—not just on Thanksgiving but throughout the year.
  • Thanksgiving Placemat Activity: Create construction paper placemats for each family member with their name at the top. During the meal, have everyone write why they are grateful for each person on their placemat.
  • Extend Generosity: Consider inviting a single parent and their children to your Thanksgiving meal or bring a turkey dinner to a neighbor in need. These small acts of kindness turn gratitude into action.

A Heart of Thankfulness

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, let’s remember that true gratitude leads to generosity.

Whether through family traditions or acts of kindness, we can show our thankfulness by blessing others. Let Ephesians 5:20 guide your heart this season:

“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Let’s make this Thanksgiving a time of genuine thankfulness and generous giving.

You can also listen to the related podcast on this topic.

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