In that verse, Jesus is speaking to His disciples, teaching them about the cost of discipleship and the value of the soul in contrast to worldly gains. The question remains: is there a spiritual cost to achieving financial success? John Rinehart joins us today to talk about it.
John Rinehart is the co-founder of Gospel Patrons, an international organization dedicated to inspiring a generation of business professionals to fulfill their God-given callings. He is also the author of Gospel Patrons: People Whose Generosity Changed The World and 31 Gospel Patrons.Many people approach work as a means to an end—a way to earn money so they can rest, enjoy life, and feel secure. This mindset, however, is not where the Bible starts. Instead, when we strive for success without keeping God at the center, we often fall into a dangerous pattern:
The warning from Deuteronomy 8:18 is as relevant today as it was for Israel:
“You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”After 40 years in the wilderness, Israel stood at the edge of the Promised Land, facing a new challenge—not scarcity, but abundance. Moses warned them that prosperity could be more spiritually dangerous than hardship if they forgot the God who provided for them.
Likewise, in our financial success, we must remember that wealth is not ours—it belongs to God. If we forget this, we risk placing our trust in material security rather than in Him.
So, how can we succeed financially without failing spiritually? We must shift from a toxic cycle to a virtuous cycle—one that aligns with God’s design. Instead of working for wealth and rest, we should begin with resting in God.
God commands rest through the Sabbath, showing that we are not slaves to work. Taking time to worship, study Scripture, and be in community with other believers reorients our hearts toward God.
When we see work as a way to glorify God rather than just a means to make money, our labor takes on new meaning. We use our talents and skills to serve others and fulfill the good works God has prepared for us.
Success is not merely the result of our hard work—it is a blessing from God. Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us that even the ability to create wealth comes from Him.
Understanding that our wealth belongs to God transforms how we use it. Instead of hoarding, we become generous stewards, using resources to care for the poor, support the gospel, and advance God’s kingdom.
When our work and wealth contribute to God’s mission, our joy increases. We see our daily efforts as part of something bigger—something eternal.
If you are successful in your career, know that your work matters to God. You are not second-class in His kingdom. When you connect your success to His mission and live generously, you experience the greatest joy.
Let’s not fall into the trap of forgetting God in our prosperity. Instead, let’s embrace a virtuous cycle of success—one where work is worship, wealth is stewardship, and generosity fuels the kingdom of God.
For more insights, visit Gospel Patrons and explore the stories of those who have used their success for God’s glory.