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Leverage Your Expertise

FaithFi: Faith & Finance | Oct 24, 2023


Show Notes

We want to give a “shout out” to Ken Boa and Russ Crosson for their book, Leverage: Using Temporal Wealth for Eternal GainIt’s a blueprint for how we can take the Bible’s financial principles and put them into practice for God’s Kingdom. In other words, taking something that’s temporary and making it eternal.

Again, leveraging our finances to advance the Kingdom is extremely important, but we must also acknowledge that God gives us many gifts, including time, talent and experience. We need to look for ways to use them for the Kingdom, as well, if we’re to be truly faithful stewards.



Christians are called to be faithful stewards, not just of finances, but also of time, expertise, and experience for God's Kingdom.

  • 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 and Romans 12:6-8 emphasize the diverse gifts God bestows upon each individual, and the responsibility to use them in service to others and for the greater good.
  • Everyone possesses unique talents; these could range from business acumen, childcare skills, mechanical abilities, cooking, painting, to simply spending time with those in need.
  • Jesus's disciples, many of whom were tradesmen and fishermen, likely utilized their networks to further God's message.
  • Examples from scripture, like Moses's staff turning into a snake in Exodus 4:3-4, demonstrate that God can use ordinary objects (or people) to perform extraordinary deeds.
  • The blessings of giving are articulated in Luke 6:38 and Acts 20:35, which emphasize the spiritual rewards of generosity.
  • How much one chooses to give in terms of time and talent is a personal decision, but 2 Corinthians 9:6 and Luke 12:48 stress the principle of sowing and reaping—generosity now leads to blessings later.
  • Ultimately, faithful stewardship in all aspects of life aims to hear God's affirmation: "Well done, good and faithful steward. Enter into the joy of your master."
  • If you’re generous with your time and talents as well as your treasure, you’ll no doubt one day hear the words,“Well done, good and faithful steward. Enter into the joy of your master.” 


On today’s program, Rob also answers listener questions:

  • Should we resell our kids the home we bought or add them to the title and let them get a home equity loan, and what are the tax implications for each option?
  • I'm inheriting $250k and after paying off debt, how should I invest the remaining $200k considering I'm 60 years old and not set for a comfortable retirement?
  • At 71 with a decreased credit score and $22k debt, should I consider a consolidation plan from a company that contacted me?


RESOURCES MENTIONED:Remember, you can call in to ask your questions most days at (800) 525-7000. Faith & Finance is also available on the Moody Radio Network as well as American Family Radio. Visit our website at FaithFi.comwhere you can join the FaithFi Community, and give as we expand our outreach.



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Where Faith Meets Finance

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